Is Hiring an Interior Designer Worth It?

We live in an age of Instagram-inspired, DIY home makeovers. How-To’s can be found just about anywhere you look—with an endless amount of information on home design, decor, and remodeling, why would you ever need to hire an interior designer? 

Being designers ourselves, we may be slightly biased, but we truly believe in the magic that comes when clients and designers work together! Let’s break down the benefits of hiring an interior designer, and why it’s really worth it.

What is my style?...

While some people know what their design style is down to the smallest details, other people may find themselves lost in the different options. One way isn’t better than the other! For those who know their style like the back of their hand, interior designers are there to guide them toward the best options and even inspire them to add touches of other styles to create a curated mix. For those who don’t know where to start, designers will get to know the client by asking questions and creating different concepts, helping them develop a strong sense of what they love. Good design comes from a good relationship between the client and the designer. We are there to be your creative tool! 

Decisions, decisions, decisions…

Whether your project is a small powder room or a spacious great room, there are lots of decisions to be made before your vision can become a reality! Most people expect they will need to pick out flooring, furniture, and decor. But the details of those options can get very overwhelming very quickly. For example—you decide that porcelain tiles would be great for your kitchen remodel. But what size will be proportionate to your space? What type of grout do you need for that spacing? Should the tiles be installed before or after the cabinets? Not to mention, there are thousands of places to buy tile from. What do you do if the tile you like is out of stock? 

One of the biggest parts of an interior designer’s job is helping you work out all the details in your decisions. A designer can source your products (and here’s a secret—we have access to designer-only trade vendors that offer AWESOME discounts—bye bye, retail shopping!), find alternatives, work with installers, project manage everyone involved, and so much more. All the decisions become manageable with an interior designer keeping your project organized!

If I do it myself, I can save money…

Yes, DIY’ing your project might save you money, but if something goes wrong, the redo of your remodel will be an unhappy bill. Hiring a reputable designer is investing your money towards concepts, detailed plan drawings, 3D renderings, installation teams, an organized timeline, managed budgets, expert revisions if something isn’t working out like your vision, and so much more. Just so you know—design doesn’t have to break your bank! We specialize in budget-friendly design options that will give your home the remodel it deserves. We can make our full-service design much more cost-efficient by working with reclaimed and vintage materials, but E-Design is also an excellent cost-savings option. With E-Design, you receive concepts, plans, 3D renderings, and clickable shopping lists—without the added costs of an installation day, meetings, product ordering, shipping management, etc. You get the design help you need without the costs of a full demo/remodel. 

Another great budget friendly option is “à la carte”. Here you can pick and choose what parts of the design process you want! Just want floor plans? Great! We have you covered. Only looking for furniture specs and paint selections? We can handle that, too! You will only be paying for what you pick out and your home will benefit from the designs. 

Don’t get us wrong- here at Storia Interiors & Design, we LOVE a good DIY project. Quite a few spaces in our own homes have been DIY’ed and we truly love the process (most of the time). But there are certain projects that greatly benefit from outside help in order to be organized and detailed, and to reflect who you are in the best way possible! That’s where interior designers come in. We are here to bring your vision to life and to take all of the design-dilemma stress off your shoulders. Interior designers are creative tools that you can use to make the most out of your project!

Thinking about hiring a designer? Contact us at for more information on how we can best work together.


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